Assalamualaikum… weeee~… (^__^)
Korang chat dakk?? Chat dak?? Chat dakk?? May Allah bless u all… Aminnn~.. Hahhh… haaahhh… kenapa ekkk MIRMO??? Jeng..jeng..jengggg…!!! Sebabbbb… aku sukerrr lahhh..!!! sukerrr menatang nehh wehhh… hak3~…

Alolololoooo... c0mey nguh~!!!

Dis is MIRMO mug... C0mey an?? c0mey an?? c0mey an???
Hahaahahhaaaa~... I know this sounds childish... But I don't care. I just love it! Waaaaa!! Aku jatuh cinta sama ini budaakkk!! Comeeeyyyyyy!!! Ngeh3~… (^__^)
Ever watch a Japanese anime series entitled 'Mirmo Zibang'? I have no idea but I'm in love with the main character ever since I laid my eyes on him... lalalaaaaa~… *Blink..blink..blink…*

He's d guy i'm in luv wiv *Drooling* kih3...
Actually... Budak neh nama dye... Mirmo Zibang. According to the story, a muglox is a love fairy. Haha... aku tauuu, he doesn't look like a fairy at all. And the connection between the human world and the muglox world is through mugs. Each of the muglox has their own mugs.... Fuhhh... umah dye lam mug 2 jee... cam pic kt ats 2.. hik3...

Budak neh.. suker mkn c0klat!.. as much as i do..!! ahakkkss!!

dan jugakkkk... suker titow! Like me too!!
S0, Why I love him so much?? Hahaaaaa~… He's just way too cute lol..! Do you know how big he is? Fuhhh..!! Keciiikkk sesangattt..!! lau dapat kt aku, mmg aku penyekkk3 jerkk!! Ngeeeee~… (@___@)
Imagine I can have Mirmo too... Waaauuuuu.... How gud will that be... Then I won't be lonely anymore...
I mean, he won't just help me find a gud boyfriend, Ecececehhh~~… and a gud company too. Ape2 pun menatang nehh mmg ceyes so cute! Heheheheeeeeeee~~................
3 sedang bergolek..!!:
memang seyes cute! =) suke!
Hik3~... 2 psl ske... kiut miut sesangat!.. hahahaaa~....
ske la bntg nih...c0mey ....
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