I dont care if suddenly you wake up in the morning and realize that you dont wanna do this anymore with me. Or maybe thinking it was mistake. Or maybe your feelings for me has change. Its okey pun.. i dont care lor.. i dont blame you.. i dont want myself either.
Just.. i care.. dont leave me please??? Please stay with me... this is what i need... *Kalau boleh ikat kamo, nak je ikat kamo kt pokok!* huhuhuu...
Mode : Agak pentingkan diri sendiri di situ... Hohohoo.. AMARAN! Maaf entry kali ini mungkin agak sedikit tacing... So.. Sediakn tisu2 anda.. keh3.. *Ada ke yg baca??* Biorrr laaaa... sobs3... T.T

I know... setiap yang berlaku ada alasan nya.. ada sebab munasabahnya.. Am i right?? but.. it would be so much better to know the reasons sometimes. Errrrkkkk... Kadang-kadang.. life can be so unfair.. kan???
I really hope things wont change. I could only pray to Allah that everything remain the same. People that i love wont leave me, and feelings wont change either. I am so tired of losing people that i love. Tersangat letih... Cukuplah apa yang saya dah hilang.. I dont wanna go and meet new people again and open my heart to love them... Coz i know.. they eventually leave one day... T.T
So.. tolong laa.. jgn pergi.. If you want leave me also.. orite.. fine!.. but.. please.. tinggalkan hati kamo untuk saya... Tinggalkan itu, kamo pergi... Boleh???.. T.T

I dont worry about the love between you and i. I know that if we both love Allah and seek His pleasure, He will cultivate the love between us. InsyaAllah...
Ya Allah, Guide me! Aminn... :')
*Saya tahu En.donut, kamu akn selongkar sy pny blog.. so.. bila baca, senyap2 suda.. malu sy nanti.. Jgn nak nyennyehnyeh...!!! hohoo..

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