Dear hp,
Aku tak pasti r ko faham ke idak aku mau cakap neh.. c0z.. kali ini aku nak try cakap omputih... hahaha... but, rojak-rojak2 jelah.. Psssttt.. but my instict says u might understand BM letter.. hohoo.. So kay.. dont worry, i will talk to you rojak-rojak ekk?? sometimes in English, sometimes in BM. bole kan en. hp???
Okey, ke hadapan Encik hp ku syg.. i really dont understand why are you being so degil and gedik gedik skrg hehh??? When someone call me, ko mati! aku dgn semangatnya dari jauh... run-run anak... and try to taken the green thingy untuk angkat call.. but damn! stuck, ko btukar wajah! gelap! Errggghhhh....
Each time i asked you, you will do ur muka seposen yg tak bersalah itu. Duduk senyap, bajet aku tak tahu letteeewww... Dear hp, da lebih 2 thn ure with me kan?? why skrg baru you wanna show ur true colour to me??? why why why??? If i know, aku takkan beli ko dulu2.. dasar hp tak kenang budi! *Errrggghhhh.. i marah neh.. i marahhh!!!* Dasar manusia tak reti bersyukur.. camni lewwww...
And also, bila nak use the camera.. You know kan i like take2, snap2 the picture?? tapi ko?? buat perangai! i feel like killing u bebeh! i feel like campak ko dari tingkat 18. But i know, aku jugak yang rugi lau buat camtu.. Sobs sobs sobss... T.T
Neh time dengar lagu plak.. baru jer aku syokk duk layan.. peehhhh... tut tut.. damn!.. ko buat hal lagi! And when i wanna make phone call pun, oh my gucci...!! i feel like siat siat youuuu hp! Why are you being so kuang ajor skrg hahhh??? *Sabarrr*
Huhuhuu.. After 2 year plus i bought you, now baru ko nak bt perangai busuk ko kan?? do you really want me tukar ko dgn hp lain kan?? kan?? kan?? oh oke... i think BB, iphone, sony xperia, sound its gudddd... whats?? want killing me?? oh booooo!! ko takde tangan nye pun.. so dont even dream to kill me meyy.... muahahahaaaa... *padan muka ko* ;-D
So sad.. ko telah melukakan my heart dear hp. Aku dh tahan dengan perangai ko for almost 5 months now. Or mybe more than that. Ko tak kecian kat aku ke hp oiii??? i love you like i like myself! :( Oh please hp.. for once, act like a hp bgos and act back to normal yg bole buat aku happy and senang! But now.. kau sgt shiiiaaaaauuuuu....
Once again.. i warning you.. please stay gud2 for me.. lau idak.. i am gonna buy a new hp. Ko fhm kan wahai hp?? Okeee.. cukup laa.. thats all.. lastly.. aku sangat sayang ko wahai handphone!.. Kembali seperti semula... Cian laa kat akuuu... Im begging u.. Huhuhuuu....

2 sedang bergolek..!!:
hp u dah jemu dengan tuan dia kot..he..he..:)
@Azzah : ahaaaa... gitu lh kotnyee.. sobs3... T.T
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