Dear heart...
Why are you keep on bleeding inside there??
Tell me..
*Someone has hurting me*
Dear heart,
Why are you crying inside there???
Tell me..
*Someone has stabbed me*
Dear heart,
Why are you feeling so sad???
Tell me..
*Someone has stole me*
*But the most painful thing is when someone that we love, make us feel that way, And we are still here with them, smiles and act like its all nothing even though inside there, we are dying*
Sobs.. sobss..sobsss...
Go away from me!
I dont need you!
Where Mr. laugh and Mr. smile???
Where are you???????
Go away you Mr. Tears... Go away...
Sob.. sob... sobsss.... T.T
Baiklah... kalau camtu biar aku yg pergi... i am away...
Aku away dr DUNIA neh... DUNIA MAYA neh...
Doakan aku selamat...
Sampai masa.. Aku akan kembali lagi...
Maafkan aku...!
P/s : What is truly yours would eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try... will never be....never be... Be strong heart... Chillssss... :-)
2 sedang bergolek..!!:
be strong girl... :)
be strong to continue your own life..
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